PECM Issue 57 2022 | Page 7

For example , one automotive customer was using a two-part epoxy cured in an oven to bond parts . Months later , as the production cell was being finalised , the company swapped to a UV material , because the epoxy ’ s cure time was too long . However , the same design bonded with a different adhesive didn ’ t pass any tests , and it was back to the drawing board on adhesive selection , adding time and cost to the project .
A good adhesives supplier can speak to the design engineer about the full complexity of the project , to establish the speed and long-term throughput requirements and make a recommendation for materials and dispensing technology to match . This advice means a design engineer can greatly impress his or her production engineering colleagues , when the product is easily moved into the production stages , without a need for last minute changes due to line speed and yield requirements .
Similarly , if the supplier talks the design engineer through the return on investment ( ROI ) considerations upfront , they can save their production colleagues time by ensuring what they have specified is commercially and technically viable . For example , a supplier could explain how
switching from a manual to an automated process could offer a good ROI , by resolving issues around validating the process , removing operator variance , and reducing the risk of operator RSI . A bonding process consists of the cost of a material purchase and the cost of processing it — often the latter is a bigger proportion of the overall cost .
These issues can be easily avoided by contacting an experienced adhesives supplier early in the project , so they can advise on material selection , bondline design , and more . It is important that your supplier provides you with all the information you need on the adhesive , including its chemistry , how it cures , and how it can be dispensed . For example , if you are dispensing a cyanoacrylate with a secondary UV curing mechanism , which dispensing technology should you use to avoid clogging ?
The adhesives supplier can explain why a material might work , using evidence from previous experience to advise on why it is a good selection , how it might be dispensed and cured , and to highlight any downsides or compromises . There is no ideal adhesive — if your supplier says a material “ will definitely work ”, this should trigger alarm bells . Good suppliers
It is important that your supplier provides you with all the information you need on the adhesive , including its chemistry , how it cures , and how it can be dispensed .
will be honest and up front about any problems they expect might arise , and which potential failure mechanisms should be checked . At Intertronics , we recognise the importance of asking our customers the right questions , understanding the detail of each application , and giving honest answers .
Getting to the final piece of the puzzle only to discover the final piece doesn ’ t fit is downright frustrating . Don ’ t let the same be true of your adhesive selection . To speak to an adhesives specialist , call us on 01865 842842 or visit https :// www . intertronics . co . uk / and get in touch .
For further information , please visit www . intertronics . co . uk
Issue 57 PECM 7