PECM Issue 56 2022 | Page 27

After less than one year in service , the vessel reported coolant in the compressor oil system and requested Burckhardt attend to investigate and provide technical support . When Burckhardt ’ s engineers came on board to carry out this inspection , they found that the coolant galleries around the cylinders were more corroded than they expected . Further investigation showed that the correct , specified mixture of glycol had not been installed by the responsible maintenance team during the commissioning process and preas a result , some corrosion was found in the cooling jacket of the cylinders as well as in the pipework to the compressor .
While this was not an immediate problem , left unchecked , the corrosion could cause serious damage . A plan was formulated where the compressors could continue to operate , having installed new coolant with the correct mixture of glycol , and the damaged parts would be replaced during the first dry-dock maintenance period .
Thankfully , the Burckhardt Compression service team discovered the issue and established the extent of the damage before it had an impact on the performance of the vessel . However , there is little consolation that this whole situation could have been avoided had the correct maintenance procedures been followed .
Laby ® -GI Compressor skid package for marine applications
To resolve the situation , the cylinders and the pipework needed to be replaced . Aside from the time required to complete this work , the overall project cost was considerable . Burckhardt Compression has supported the operator with a comprehensive inspection report and planning for the new components that will be installed to ensure continued , reliable operation of the compressors . installation , any treatment of the cooling water , such as the addition of biocide , anti-freeze or anti-corrosion additives and maintaining proper mixture is a responsibility that is retained by either the shipyard or the vessel ’ s owner .
As with all equipment , manufacturers provide an owner ’ s manual that offers all the information required to operate and maintain the machinery . In today ’ s world where modern servicing routines are more proactive , manufacturers such as Burckhardt Compression encourage predictive maintenance practices to optimize performance and minimize downtime . A flexible approach includes both regular maintenance schedules and predictive practices to ensure the continued reliable and efficient operation of the equipment .
Cylinder water chamber after cleaning About Burckhardt Compression
For further information , please visit www . burckhardtcompression . com
Issue 56 PECM 27