Which Simple Instrument Can Easily Prevent Expensive Compressed Air Problems ?
Water contamination originates through the air compression process and is normally removed through filtration and drying systems . Without this , the water vapour in the air stream can become a carrier for oils , chemicals , particles and promote the growth of potentially harmful microbiological organisms , any of which could be a major hazard for the production process .
If the dew point sensor installed on the compressed air dryer or the dryer itself fails , often the user will only find out during a periodic audit unless the contamination levels become an issue with the product or plant systems . At that point , eradicating the contamination from the whole distribution system is a massive and very costly problem , involving shutdowns , extensive maintenance and possibly a new distribution system .
The S305 is a self-contained dew point monitor ideal as a safety net in the event of dryer failure and will allow action to be taken without delay as signs of water contamination increase . Designed for wall or panel mounting and available with two choices of measuring ranges , the built in LCD screen and two relay outputs allow the user to easily set a pre-alarm warning threshold and a full out of range alarm signal .
An alternative would be to regularly use a hand held dew point sensor like the S505 to test critical points of use . Note that the air quality out of the dryer can read within parameters and out of range at a point of use because of past contamination of the system . This is why periodic checks for dew point are so important and the cost of resolving issues is always far lower when detected early .
S505 www . measuremonitorcontrol . com
Miniature Broadcast Cameras Ltd
Rubi4G Live Video Streaming
What does this equipment do ?
• Sends pictures and sound from anywhere to anywhere via the Internet
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Rubi-Power Unit
• Portable 12 Volts DC 24Ah Lead Acid Battery in Lockable Flight Case
Measures 180mm X 160mm X 260mm at Approx . 11Kg
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• Examples : Industrial applications , Camping equipment , Portable Lighting , DC Motors and Associated equipment
Rubi4G Live Video Streaming applications
- a few examples shown below ...
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Miniature Broadcast Cameras Ltd Farm Office , Patch Park Farm , Ongar Road , Abridge , Romford , Essex , RM4-1AA Mobile : + 44 ( 0 ) 7966 753226 | Web : www . mbc-ltd . tv | Email : sales @ mbc-ltd . tv
90 PECM Issue 51