DSEAR 3 DAY COURSE Risk Assessment Training ( Book On-line )
Our “ Three Day ” DSEAR training course is aimed at those who may be responsible for conducting risk assessments , but are not necessarily fully confident to do so with such a technical subject .
The Course Content :
• Legal foundations of DSEAR and COSHH
• How Fires and explosions occur ,
• The fundamentals of understanding the explosive potential - Deflagrations
• Understanding the Chemical Properties of a substance
• Risks resulting from improper storage or handling of substances
• The danger triangle and dust pentagon .
• Dust explosion potentials
An overview of the regulations is included along with , explanations and understanding of solvents and their physical properties , explosive dusts , ATEX classifications and coding , gas groups , temperature ratings and BS 60079-10 Ex Zone determination , all giving a greater understanding of how ATEX fits into the DSEAR equation when establishing hazardous zones .
Reference is also drawn to the theoretical understanding of flammable vapours with examples of how the Lower Explosive Limit can be converted into a meaningful quantity or volume of chemical per cubic metre of space .
The course includes : A detailed 140-page , training manual for all delegates
Working group activities A “ multiple choice ” exam Buffet Lunch Tea Coffee and refreshments .
Venue and Dates 2021 : Cannock Staffordshire 15-17th June 12-15th October
www . dsc-ltd . co . uk | sales @ dsc-ltd . co . uk | 01952 947682 | 07989 597569 off
72 PECM Issue 51