LATEST RELEASES FOR SPECIALTY LAYUP The newest members of Cortec ’ s boiler layup menagerie include the Boiler Turtle™ , Boiler Salamander™ , and Boiler Iguana™ . The Boiler Turtle™ offers the convenience of wet-dry layup : the product is added to the boiler and kept at high water level for 24 hours before draining for dry layup or leaving as is for wet layup , no opening of the boiler required .
The Boiler Salamander™ provides a wet layup solution for high-purity steam boilers , such as high-pressure steam systems , superheaters , super-critical boilers , and cyclic boilers at power plants . It does not contain any EPA or OSHA hazard
components and is an excellent option for use in systems with deionized or reverse osmosis water .
Finally , the Boiler Iguana™ provides an easy solution for boilers on standby . It is easy to apply and does not require frequent monitoring , unlike traditional layup strategies that require maintenance of high pH and regular testing of oxygen scavenger and sulfite levels in boilers kept on low fire .
Cortec ’ s boiler menagerie is a welcome relief to traditional layup methods that may be cumbersome , ineffective , and sometimes even dangerous . In contrast , Cortec ’ s boiler reptiles are very friendly to users and very effective for avoiding corrosion inside idle boilers . This spring , be sure to launch the layup season successfully by unleashing one of Cortec ’ s handy layup reptiles inside your boiler !
Cortec ® expanded its boiler layup “ menagerie ” in 2020 and is eager to reintroduce these exciting solutions just in time for facilities to start thinking about seasonal boiler layup .
Get to know our boiler reptiles better , and contact us for further assistance : www . cortecwatertreatment . com / products / boilers /.
Issue 50 PECM 41