Specialist Funding Support to Business
Is your company one of the 97 % of businesses that incorrectly assume they can ’ t apply for funding to support their innovative work ? MCS Corporate Strategies Ltd provide specialist funding support to businesses , with a core focus on cost recovery . As an independent consultancy , we help businesses and institutions to access the government grants and incentives they ’ re entitled to . This includes Research & Development , RDEC and Patent Box .
Research & Development Tax Credits form a key part of Government strategy to boost innovation in business . This tax relief scheme reduces the real cost of investment in improving products and processes and remains one of the largest single Government funding mechanisms available for business . We make the whole identification and application process quick and simple .
1 . We identify your eligibility and take the difficulty and stress out of making a R & D claim .
2 . We work with you to gather the details and then prepare all submission documents . 3 . We liaise with your accountants and HMRC to submit and process your claim . 4 . We handle the entire claim process , from initial assessment to completion .
The single key criteria for qualification is that you be registered as a UK corporate entity . Claims are retrospective ( two years ) and intended to be claimed year-on-year . SME ’ s and large companies qualify .
Manufacturing , engineering and all disciplines , activities , parts , products , prototypes ; IT software and first-of-class items are examples of what is included as items for research and development . The CIRD definition of R & D is wide and inclusive of very broad activities .
We work on a success fee basis only so there ’ s no initial cost – you ’ ve nothing to lose .
Telephone : 01926 512475 e-mail : charlotte @ mcs-corporate . com www . mcs-corporate . com
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