PECM Issue 45 2020 | Page 7

Metrology for production aerospace applications 3D optical metrology can report form deviation, thickness, parallelism, roughness, leak paths, edge radii, defects, etc. all in the matter of a few seconds, with one instrument, in one set-up. This single instrument can replace two to three alternative gauges that may not necessarily report the same required functional information. Clark continues, “Manufacturing is slow to change, and despite the inherent advantages of 3D optical metrology, there is still some resistance to replace legacy solutions. 2D metrology — especially profilometry and CMM — is the standard throughout manufacturing, and the ISO and ASME GD&T and surface standards were developed around the 2D measurement methods of the day. However, times have changed, and now there are 3D and areal standards to control those measurements and allow designers to put 3D callouts on drawings.” “Effectively, manufacturing’s resistance to this paradigm shift is because of not being familiar with the tremendous advantages of 3D metrology, and a lack of understanding of the ‘function’ of the components they produce and what must be measured to ensure functional parts and assemblies. Therefore, adapting to new manufacturing methods and metrology is sluggish. Engineers and scientists in companies are ZYGO has been and will continue to be a strategic partner in Woodward’s quest to be an example of the best use of advanced metrology. not being allowed to ‘get out there’ and see the new world that has evolved and is passing them by”, states Clark. Today, integration of 3D optical metrology is well established in research laboratories, shop floor metrology cells, fully-automated manufacturing and assembly lines. Optical metrology is fast, repeatable, and requires little maintenance — allowing it to be used in all phases of manufacturing metrology and process control. There are many aspects of the manufacturing process for which 2D contact gauging may not be the best option. For example, an artifact that occurs randomly would likely be missed by a single line trace but would easily be detected by a 3D instrument that characterizes the entire ROI. Knowing for sure that the manufacturing process as a whole has been characterized is vital. Not only for adherence to drawing specifications, for example, but detecting manufacturing process issues such as machine tool vibration due to a “bad bearing,” poor tool set-up, or worn cutting inserts. All these can be characterized with 3D optical metrology, and subsequently controlled by the manufacturing team. METROLOGY AT WOODWARD At Woodward, Clark specifies the use of ZYGO 3D optical metrology instruments in particular. “The criteria for the choice of any metrology instrument is extensive. In terms of reliability and uncertainty, ZYGO instruments are proven to produce less noisy data and are faster in data acquisition and analysis. (Data collection and analysis time is critical in automated applications.) On ZYGO instruments, long-term instrument reliability is outstanding, which results in consistent long-term results. Plus, the software is designed specifically for manufacturing applications and conforms to international standards. ZYGO is also adept at providing ‘special equipment and function’ to accommodate demanding metrological applications, part handling, and varying surfaces that can cause uncertainties in optical measurement. Issue 45 PECM 7