PECM Issue 44 2020 | Page 95

SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS mvIMPACT-CS Release 2.2 – PC version of the Smart Vision software now available Intelligent Software by Manufacturing Experts Optimise Your People, Processes, Productivity and Profitability Hosokawa Micron’s digital toolkit, Hosokawa Gen4, converts live data from sensors and controls into a flexible, scalable and secure solution to optimise production processes, reduce energy bills and achieve tangible benefits that will drive business growth. +44 (0)1928 333139 | [email protected] Hosokawa Micron’s innovative powder processing equipment is now Hosokawa Gen4-compatible. Release Version 2.2 of the “mvIMPACT Configuration Studio”, or mvIMPACT-CS for short, has been issued; it comes with a cascade of new features and is now also available for use on a PC. Until now, users of the mvBlueGEMINI smart camera could only use mvIMPACT-CS to perform the full range of inspection tasks in a visual, quick and cost-effective manner if they possessed programming expertise and knowledge of image processing. Using the PC version and with the help of wizards, inspections can now also be simply and intuitively performed using PC and GigE Vision and USB3 Vision- compatible industrial cameras as a basis. This user group can therefore now also look forward to the guarantee of a quick and trouble-free entry into the world of industrial image processing With the new “HALCON Script” tool, which is available as an option, it is now possible to load and execute HALCON scripts in mvIMPACT-CS. Here it does not matter whether mvIMPACT-CS runs on the Smart Camera or on a PC. Last but not least, the new release includes two additional expert tools. While the “Filter image” tool makes it possible to optimize the image quality, under sub-optimal lighting conditions, for example, the “Check blobs” tool allows the user to detect objects in the image, count them and check the shape and other properties of those objects. Issue 44 PECM 95