PECM Issue 44 2020 | Page 65

Threading Tool Specialists HSS DIES & DIE NUTS Large shelf stocks for all Standard and many Special Threads. Check our stocks online. THREAD CUTTING AND ROLLING HEADS and parts and repair service THREAD ROLLS FOR ALCO & FETTE HEADS. READY STOCKS CUSTOM MANUFACTURURE HSS TAPS Huge Stocks for all Standard threads CUSTOM MADE taps our SPECIALITY! We stock taps for many non standard (SPECIAL) threads All types; Spiral flute and point, Fluteless, Left Hand, etc, etc. Wiseman Threading Tools Ltd 11 Padgets Lane, South Moons Moat. Redditch B98 0RA Worcs UK 004(0)1527520580 [email protected] THREAD GAUGES all types. Large stocks for standard and SPECIAL threads. Any non stocked can be quoted for custom manufacture. CHASERS FOR COVENTRY & LANDIS TYPE DIE HEADS Ready stocks for most size heads most standard and some special threads Geometry available for most materials. Custom manufacture our speciality!