How smart technology is transforming the industrial world
By Martin Walder, VP
Industrial Automation
at Schneider Electric
When it comes
to the world of
manufacturing, Industry
4.0, the Industrial
Internet of Things and
Smart manufacturing
are all terms we hear thrown around a
lot. Whilst these terms can all be used in
isolation; they share one very important
commonality – they are all impacted by
digital transformation.
According to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), the
smart landscape can be defined as “fully
integrated, collaborative manufacturing
systems that respond in real time to meet
changing demands and conditions in
the factory, in the supply network and in
customer needs”.
At present, manufacturing systems are
benefitting from an array of new, innovative
technologies. Technologies including; big
data, robotics, machine learning, artificial
intelligence, augmented reality, 3D level
of control and the oversight that they
bring all play a role in helping us to create
a digital twin of an entire manufacturing
system. The benefit of these digital twins
is the increased business performance
and greater real-time understanding of an
object or process in play.
A smart factory brings with it countless
benefits. Smart factories embrace planning,
supply chain logistics and all aspects of
product development and innovation.
Those failing to adopt smart manufacturing
technologies and practices are the ones
who will fall behind the competition and
ultimately are likely to disappear.
With this in mind – for factories to become
truly smart, they first need to understand
what it means to be smart. The World
Economic Forum has listed nine of the
world smartest factories, calling them
‘lighthouses’ that shed light on the benefits
of Industry 4.0. These factories are the
ones that have successfully implemented
the smartest technologies, whilst keeping
people and sustainability at the heart of
what they do.
A great example of one of these
lighthouses is the Le Vaudreuil, one
of Schneider Electric’s motor control
manufacturing plants in Normandy.
This factory draws on our EcoStruxure
technology and utilises a wide range of our
digital tools.
This factory represents the future of
manufacturing. Think about it. Inside the
factory there are mini data centres storing
critical site data, all USB keys pass through
a decontamination terminal, and sensors
monitor machinery to predict – as opposed
to reacting to all factory maintenance
needs. What’s more – as a result of
augmented reality, the factory is benefiting
from a 7 per cent increase in productivity,
and energy savings of up to 30 per cent.
Seems like a no brainer.
be done. Smart factories are here to
stay, but they aren’t here to replace our
jobs. They are here to help businesses
remain competitive and successful. And
– with greater success, comes more
jobs. Ultimately, smarter factories will also
facilitate more jobs in the long run.
Another important development is the
arrival of 5G. It will bring faster downloads
and faster responses from applications
as a result of lower latency. Sensors will
become even more widespread and
responsive, and businesses will be able to
react to information in real time. With 5G
technology having now arrived in the UK,
we must assess how it can make smart
factories even smarter. Among the possible
applications are preventative maintenance
and controlling machines remotely.
To avoid falling off the bandwagon
and keep pace with the competition,
manufacturers need to embrace these
smart technologies – and become a smart
factory. Perhaps the nine lighthouses can
shed a bit of light on what the future has to
If we can be sure of one thing, it’s that the
future is constantly changing. Right now,
we’re focused on Industry 4.0. But – very
soon, Industry 5.0 will be the talk of the
town. Industry 5.0 will focus on the human
elements. It will no longer be all about
machine and system interconnectivity, but –
about how machines and humans can work
together – something known as cobotics.
We must remember that automation has
not taken over human roles in the factory.
Whilst new technologies are vital for future
success, so too is human input. Be it by
offering a sense of direction, or gathering
and analysing data, there is still a lot to
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Issue 44 PECM