The next component is to automate- using
programmable systems like robotics
to make manufacturing and packaging
processes more efficient, traceable and
productive. Staff can be moved out of
low value, monotonous work and into
more important areas of the business,
making better use of the workforce. As
well as automating processes themselves,
manufacturers can automate data
collection. Instead of having a paper trail of
data staff have written down, it is accurately
recorded in the central system.
Connectivity is a central part of Industry
4.0, as it is Quality 4.0. Inspection, robotics,
digital inputs and outputs, software, SQL
data management and enterprise reporting
can be pulled together into systems greater
than the sum of their parts.
Wireless connectivity of equipment to
the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and
portable tablets means manufacturers
can easily implement a factory-wide data
collection network. The manufacturer can
connect suppliers, operations, customers
and products with edge analytics and bring
the data together into a common SQL
database for all business processes. be combined with a Micro Vu Optical CMM
and wireless Andon status lights. The
manufacturer could then connect these
through Sempre Connect software to a
database, to achieve pull through reporting,
monitoring and trend detection.
Monitoring data collected by equipment
and storing it in a central system enables
manufacturers to detect trends and take
proactive actions to decrease scrappage.
For example, a Universal Robot UR5 could These steps make meeting compliance
obligations easy. Manufacturers can
generate reports automatically, whether
it is first article inspection reports (FAIRs),
initial sample inspection reports (ISIRs) or
production part approval process (PPAP)
documents, to comply with standard like
ISO 17025, ISO 9000, 21 CFR or AS9100.
The UK’s productivity puzzle can only
be solved with a cultural shift. We need
to change our mindset towards quality
equipment and invest in the technology
required. By working with a trusted partner,
implementing a Quality 4.0 approach can
be easy and deliver dramatic return on
Monitoring data collected by equipment
and storing it in a central system enables
manufacturers to detect trends and take
proactive actions to decrease scrappage.
For more information, visit
Issue 44 PECM