Warehousing is becoming an increasingly
automated system, with robots storing,
retrieving and delivering packages day
in, day out. In fact, some warehouses use
aircraft control style systems to organise
and control their robots, due to the
complexity of the system. As such, precision
is fundamental for the successful running of
automated warehouses.
Here Stewart Goulding, managing director
at precision drive system supplier EMS
Ltd, explains why it is imperative that
warehouse robots are installed with high
precision actuation.
Warehousing is one of the key industries
that is embracing automation, with robots
firmly at the centre.
Robots can drastically improve many
warehouse processes including
streamlining and enhancing production
efficiency. In fact, Amazon anticipates such
potential that it recently unveiled its new
warehouse robot, which are purpose built
to replace conveyor belt systems.
However, efficiency isn’t the only benefit of
incorporating workplace robots. General
workplace accidents, including slips, trips
and falls, are a considerable threat to worker
safety in the warehouse, which accounts for
3.9 million lost workdays in the UK alone in
2018. Incorporating workplace robots and
facilitating safer working environments will
not only prevent workplace injuries, but
also streamline processes.
These benefits, and the return on
investment that these products can
create, shows how important robotic
developments are becoming to the
warehousing industry. Additionally, the
progress being made in developing these
systems means that there are ever more
ways to implement warehouse robots.
For example, some warehouses are using
centralised systems — similar to those
used by air traffic control. These central
systems give exact instructions to the
robots, which makes sure that they use the
most efficient path available. Using this
system is advantageous because it allows
the robots to be more lightweight as they
are not carrying heavy and intricate sensor
PECM Issue 40
On the other hand, some warehouses are
implementing dispersed and autonomous
robots that can plan their own paths while
communicating directly with other robots
around them. This creates a network where
the robots are continuously communicating
and updating each other on their location
and movements. Using this decentralised
system can prevent the risk of information
Regardless of how warehouse robots are
deployed, their actions must be precise. If
a robot movement calibration is not exact,
then the impact could be disastrous. The
speed and proximity with which the robots
work means that small deviations could
cause significant damage to the robots,
their surroundings and the products.
Ensuring that robots have precision
actuators that control movement is vital
whether it be for propulsion, lifting or
Gripping is especially important, because
regardless of how fast you manage to get
a product to a customer, it is no use if it is
For this reason, actuation in grippers must
be strong and precise to ensure that the
robot has the strength to pick up products
and to place them with accuracy.
Selecting drives and motors that can
deal with these requirements is vital.
For example, FAULHABER BX4 drive in
just 32mm diameter have been used
successfully in warehouse robot grippers,
they have 62 watts of power and can
deliver rated torques of up to 72 mNm in
continuous operation and peak torques of
The high power-density results in a
dynamic lightweight motor able to handle
packages firmly but with care.
Effective grippers mean that operation
managers can be sure that their robots will
be able to carry out their duties without
dropping, damaging or losing packages.
The use of autonomously and intelligently
acting logistics robots in warehouses are
becoming more prominent, with their
obvious advantages but it remains essential
to ensure that care is taken to select the
most appropriate drive system for precise
reliable actuation to allow them to reach
their full potential.