PECM Issue 40 2019 | Page 66

Boilers & & Maintenance BOILERS MAINTENANCE Editors Choice Imax Xtra EL top of the class on NOx emissions Battery Powered Universal RTU & IoT Terminal Filterse leading distribu Gas Process Burners From within its compact & robust case the NanoULTRA™ packs a big punch!  Huge connectivity [Analogue, Digital, Serial, Modbus, CANbus, I2c, SPI, etc] We off er a va aerospace, e  Autonomous Operation [ Low power for battery use and Lanemark gas burner systems offer users reliable, high effi ciency, GSM connectivity] We have ou fi lter silencer process heating solutions.  On Board SD card “fl ight recorder” for granular data Additionally fi lter rolls or FD Series Oven/Dryer Burners  Instant SmartHub access Packaged for Internet of Things! • Specifi cally designed for process air heating applications in convection  Small footprint [109 x 29 x 95mm] ovens and dryers  Over 4 years battery life possible due to its world beating low power consumption.  • High turndown/short fl ame lengths providing accurate process PDF data sheet • temperature control Caption Data staff will High help effi at ciency every gas stage the only selection and and testing + air throughout modulation, gas modulation simple process to ensure the best outcome for your trials. Why not give us a call to discuss your high/low control options application? • Heat Input Range: 9 kW – 1550 kW TX Series Gas Fired Process Tank Heating Systems Email: [email protected] FD-C high turndown oven/ dryer air heating burners. FD-E low cost high turndown oven/dryer air heating burners. • High effi ciency (80%+) heating of all types of spray and dip process tanks • Compact high effi ciency small diameter immersion tube heat exchangers occupying minimum tank space • Accurate performance modelling using Lanemark TxCalc design software • Heat Input Range: 15 kW (1½") – 1150 kW (8") Midco leader HMA Series Air Replacement or “Make-Up” Air Heating Burners Datalogic is a global in Automatic FD-GA modulating gas + air Leading British manufacturer, process Ideal Commercial Boilers is Data Capture and • Industrial Direct fi red, high effi ciency burner systems, for high volume air heating air heating burners. Automation applications such as paint spray committed to ensuring that every condensing boiler in its range markets. As a world-class producer of booths, ovens and dryers. either computers, as Midco burner heads for OEM system integration or outperforms current regulations in terms of output, effi ciency and bar code readers, • Supplied mobile Lanemark DB and or FDB laser complete packaged systems including modulating systems energy use. In keeping with this undertaking, the latest addition sensors, vision as gas valve trains and controls to its � oor standing condensing �oiler range, t�e �ma� �tra �� marking systems, Datalogic off ers innovative solutions for a vast range range of fi ring of rates to suit alternative temperature rise and including air • Wide all types manufacturing environments launc�ed in �anuary ����, is t�e only �� �oiler to �a�e �een of applications within velocity system requirements automotive, Midco HMA high efficiency, TX high efficiency small diameter food & beverage, electronics and healthcare. From inventory a�arded a �lass � ��� rating from t�e �uropean �tandard �� software • DbCalc and real system time design tracking of work in progress across the high turndown, air replacement immersion tube management tank heating ���� ���� relating to gas � red central �eating �oilers� �e�eral production line, to facilitating quality assurance inspections that ensure or “make-up” air heating burners. systems. have already been installed into the educational, religious and product safety is upheld at all times; manufacturing organisations across manufacturing market sectors. the globe rely on Datalogic solutions to improve traceability and enhance Lanemark Combustion Engineering Limited operational effi ciency. Lanemark House, Whitacre Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6BW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 24 7635 2000 Fax: +44 (0) 24 7634 1166 E-mail: [email protected] C O M B U S T I O N E N G I N E E R I N G Ideal Commercial Boilers Tel: 01482 492 251 �(PDLOFRPPHUFLDO#LGHDOERLOHUVFRP +44 (0)1582 790020 Datalogic House, Dunstable Road, Redbourn, Herts, AL3 7PR ZZZLGHDOFRPPHUFLDOERLOHUVFRP X4620 Lanemark Ad SDAW.indd 1 CERTUSS A New SeaShi Protect Winn & Coal announce the website for t systems, which The new webs available to cu world case stu questionnaire receive tailored available in an SeaShield syst marine environ structures and eff ective prote 31/08/2016 09:04 /ŶĚƵ ĂŶĚ ǁŝƚŚ �uel types o� ered are �as, �ig�t �il, ��� and �io �uel, �it� com�ination �urners o� ered on all units from ����g��r up�ards� Also available are a range of Electrical Steam Generators from ��� to ������ ������� also o� er a ne� ��� �odel� �it� touc� screen control and full modulation from ������� � ring� ��e �� o� ers output ranges from 500-2000kg/hr and is compatible with many BMS interface pro�isions suc� as �ro� �us and �od�us etc� ͻ ďƌĂ ͻ ^ƉƌĂLJ ͻ ƌLJ& ͻ dŚĞƌ ͻ ŝŶĐ ͻ ZĞĨƵ ͻ /ŶƐƉĞ ͻ DĂƐŬ ͻ ƐƐĞ Brown McFarlane is one of the world’s leading specialist steel plate Distributors, Processors and Profi lers. Dealing primarily with Western European mills we supply industry leading customers across the world. Our focus is on the supply of High Grade Carbon and Stainless Steel products with one of the most diverse stock ranges available anywhere in the world running from carbon Manganese through to Super Duplex Stainless Steels. Within our 100,000 sq.ft processing facility we possess a wide range of plate profi ling equipment which has recently been complemented by the most sophisticated Messer machine yet, the Infinity Contour Plasma Beveller, capable of producing virtually all weld-prep confi gurations imaginable. Allied to our numerous accreditations including ISO 9901, 14001 and 18001 and Rolls Royce Nuclear approved, our ability to offer precision cut complex shapes in all thicknesses and grades is unrivalled. 'ĞƚŝŶ Ϭϭ Email: [email protected] T: +44 (0) 1782 289 909 66 PECM Issue 40 48 PECM Issue 22 Tel: 01922 lte Email: ma All CERTUSS Steam Generators are type tested according to European Pressure Equipment Guideline DGRL 97/23/EG. ������� o� er se�en construction groups �it�in t�eir range of fossil fuel Generators with outputs ranging from 80kg/ hr to 2000kg/hr and operating pressures of up to 32 Bar G. �o accompany t�e �enerator, ������� also o� er t�eir ��� Package Plant Module, where all of the associated ancillary items are pre-piped, pre-wired and factory tested. Introducing Contour Plasma Profi ling with Infi nity Skew Head Technology THE ULTIMATE TECHNOLOGY IN WELD PREPARATION We distribute fi lters. Whet our technica service. Tel: 0121 327 5362 � Fax: 0121 328 2934 [email protected] � 22 PECM Issue 23