Floors – Specifically designed for high foot traffic floors Dr Schutz
Secura Hard Sealer offers excellent resistance to heel marks whilst
also making day to day cleaning easier and offering enhanced anti-
slip characteristics, Fulfils the requirements of EN 14904: 2006 / DIN
18032 – Surfaces for Sports Areas – Indoor Surfaces for Multi-sports
6. Cleaning Methods & Processes – Using the correct cleaning
chemicals, cleaning methods and cleaning equipment will make a
huge difference.
7. Use the best cleaning materials in the correct concentration
(using too much detergent / cleaning agent is worse than using
too little). We recommend the Dr Schutz range of cleaners and
8. Use the correct cleaning equipment, a rotary scrubber dryer with
a red or green cleaning pad will save a vast number of cleaning
man hours and the pay back on your investment in the correct
equipment will be amazingly short.
9. For smaller areas use a flat head mop system with a two
compartment bucket to separate the clean and dirty water. Ecotile
Cleaning Guidelines
The tiles are ideal for covering old, dusty and contaminated floors
but a few small and simple adaptations and forward planning
can make a huge difference to the performance, maintenance
and appearance of your new EcoTile floor as well as help you save
money and enhance your quality standards and health and safety.
1. Plan for Leaks and Spills – Machines needs liquids such as oils and
lubricants to function properly and unfortunately machinery will
leak. If your process involves anything that uses cutting fluids or
lubricants that will leak consider sitting the machinery in a drip tray.
This simple, low cost and quick solution delivers amazing results,
minimizing leaks, saving money, improving health and safety,
enhancing both the manufacturing environment, reducing cleaning
and maintenance costs as well as being environmentally sound and
good practice. Please talk to us about the drip tray solutions we are
able to provide.
EcoTile is an exceptional flooring solution that is ideal for almost
any internal flooring application that overcomes many of the
issues encountered when compared to traditional resin and vinyl
based floors. EcoTile performance, durability and appearance can
be further enhanced by the adoption of good practice techniques
including the use of drip trays, application of the appropriate
sealers and finishes and good cleaning and house keeping
01732 762338
Prepare & Protect Your New Floor – EcoTile is simple to keep clean
and maintain but you can make your job even easier by following
these simple recommendations:
2. General Purpose Applications – Apply one to two coats of a good
quality polyurethane floor sealer (e.g. Dr Schutz PU NEO water based
floor sealer). A hard wearing sealing film with excellent elasticity
and good resistance against chemicals. The sealer will significantly
reduce dirt adhesion making cleaning much easier and quicker as
well as creating a better moisture proof barrier whilst allowing the
floor to breathe.
3. Protection from Staining (Rubber Tyres, Dyes and Inks) – For floors
such as garages, Chemical & Printing Plants, Hair Dressing Salons
etc. we recommend the application of Dr Schutz Anti-colour sealer.
This hard wearing sealer creates a chemical resistant barrier that will
prevent staining of the floor that can be caused by the chemicals,
plasticizers and dyes that can be found in rubber tyres, dyes various
manufacturing environments. The sealer will significantly reduce
dirt adhesion making cleaning much easier and quicker as well as
creating a better moisture proof barrier whilst allowing the floor to
breathe. Dr Schutz anti-colour sealer
4. Protection & Hygienically Sealing EcoTile for Applications within
the Food, Drink & Healthcare Sector – If you are looking to get all the
benefits EcoTile offers including speed of installation and minimal
disruption and downtime but also want a seamless hygienic flooring
apply Dr Schutz Medica Hard Sealer. This metalised cross linked
polymer floor finish will seal your floor creating a hygienic finish that
is highly resistant against disinfectants and compounds containing
alcohol. Dr Schutz Medica hard sealer
Firewater Pollution
Control Valve
Contain firewater within site drainage system
Can you contain firewater within
your site drain network?
Can you isolate drains at times of
high risk?
Can your system be automated?
Can you seal your site drain system
in seconds?
Instant drain
Use to contain
firewater runoff
Automated or
manual operation
Retain pollutants
and spills on site
5. Specialised Floor Sealer for High Traffic Public Buildings & Sports
Issue 36 PECM