EEMUA (The Engineering Equipment and
Material Users Association) is pleased to
announce that registration is now open
for the EEMUA Conference 2019! This
flagship biennial event is a key entry on the
professional engineering calendar, as it offers
great networking opportunities, platforms
to stimulate candid discussion and an open
forum for lively debate! The event will run
for two jam-packed days on 6-7 March, at
the Bolton Whites Hotel, in Bolton, Greater
Topical content
The conference theme of “Leadership, Asset
Integrity and Engagement: Addressing
the gap in the middle” will fully explore how
to overcome the disconnect between behaviour,
leadership, asset management and asset integrity
in a challenging risk environment. Delegates can
look forward to a series of thought-provoking papers
focused on a diverse range of issues such as: An impressive line-up
• Risk-based procurement and supply chain
• Learning the lessons from inspection data
• Achieving plant integrity through staff competency
• Lessons learned from industry incidents and failure The programme will feature a high-profile roster
of industry experts from a range of prestigious
organisations such as SABIC, Tata Steel, HSE, BOC,
Ministry of Defence and more, who will all be on
hand to share their expertise and learning with
HIPP Borescope Repairs
We repair endoscopes of the following
manufacturers: Everest / GE Inspection, Henke
Sass Wolf, Storz, Richard Wolf, Heine, Streppel,
Schölly, Olympus & Comeg (others on request)
Range of performance:
• an average repair time of 14 working days
• manufacturer independent service for rigid
• individual HIPP service concepts with fixed
price guarantee for your actual stock of
• repurchase program for your old scope
in case of a constructive total loss (HIPP
Payback Program)
• 1 year warranty on all accomplished services
and installed parts
The HIPP service pledge: repair time of 14
working days.
VisionScope Technologies Ltd,
3 Pendrick Close, Coton
Cambridge, CB23 7GZ.
Tel: 07761 674499.
Email: [email protected]
Doesn’t this all sound
exciting! Head over to
our website for more
information and details
of how to book. But don’t
delay, we only have 150
spaces, so hurry and
register your place today!
New Rocol website improves
lubricant sourcing Denso™ Corrosion Prevention for
Wessex Water Pipe Fitting
Lubricant specialist ROCOL is making it easier
for customers to source industrial lubricants
with the launch of a new website. A Wessex Water pipe-fitting has recently been
wrapped with the Winn & Coales DensoTM P1
System. The project in Warminster was to install
a new pipeline to a pumping house, replacing
an old existing pipeline which will now be
The new website helps people to quickly
and easily find products and information
based on their areas of interest, and makes
ROCOL’s extensive and broad-ranging industry
knowledge and expertise more readily
The new site structure allows people to
view and download product and company
certifications and accreditations, giving them
added peace of mind that they are choosing an
established and credible supplier, and a brand
new Knowledge Centre within the site provides
advice and a range of ‘How To’ hard copy and
video guides to help people get the most out
of ROCOL products..
The Denso P1 System was selected as a result
of their products meeting the requirements of
the CESWI P1 Specification for Water Industry.
The corrosion prevention system comprises
Denso Paste, Denso Profiling Mastic and Denso
Petrolatum Tape.
To view the new site, visit
Issue 36 PECM