The LOBO Advanced Platform
is the solution Sway braces, toe boards, wheels, handrails,
outriggers and a lifting slider beam can be
added to enhance the construction.
The LOBO System is a versatile work platform
product that combines the flexibility and
strength of traditional scaffolding with the
simplicity and mobility of tower systems. The LOBO System is scalable, adaptable
and adjustable to meet your on-going and
changing requirements.
The unique and patented hand adjustable
clamp, when combined with the tube, allows
the engineer to create a work platform, of
any shape or size, without the need for any
The system is made from modular steel
components, which are easy and quick to
assemble and provide a rock steady and safe
working platform.
It flat packs for transportation and yet is
incredibly strong. Areas previously awkward
to get to, can now be accessed by your
own engineers or technicians with ease,
whenever required.
Simply add more components or alter
your existing configuration to satisfy the
demands of the next task.
Protect your initial investment with a
product that will meet all your access needs
The LOBO System can be transported and
assembled fast and with ease from a flat
pack, into any required configuration, by
your own maintenance engineers and
Options include a tool tray and a gate can be
fitted to the system. And it can be stored in a
LOBO Towerstore unit when not in use.
The LOBO System comprises of trestle legs
that vary in size and adjustable extensions
with fixed side clamps. LOBO is a rigid and stable product, which
meets or exceeds international safety
Steel tubes can then be passed through the
clamps, which are hand tightened to form a
structure to suit the application. LOBO Systems provides fully certified
training for safe assembly, inspection and
For more information and to
arrange a product demonstation
please contact us by either
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0) 1332 365666
Issue 33 PECM