PECM Issue 31 2018 | Page 149

1. Mostly importantly make sure that the filter is isolated. Double blocking and spade blinding is required when any hot work is desired to be carried out on the filter. Spading is recommended where process flammable fluids are employed. 2. Drain out any hydrocarbon to the close system. 3. Open the vent and air purge to the atmosphere. However, flammables are to be flared until no traces are notice when work or entry is required. 4. Open the man ways and authorize entry when its safety is guaranteed. These are only some of the basic maintenance preparation requirement for process filters found in diverse use. C onclusion Different types of filters are installed in various locations of process plants which can be small in size like the instrument air filters, average in size like the flush filters and the lube oil filters, or large enough like the sand filters and rotary vacuum filters. A very good thinking is to discover the operating procedure of each of them that is characteristically different. However, operators need not to border about filter maintenance as filters basic maintenance requirement is cleaning or replacement of the bulk media. Filter efficiency is very important. This reduces the rate of cleaning as well as the frequency of switching of filters assembled in parallel during operations.