The high-quality seam is applied in a single step and
requires absolutely no finishing work.
Photo: EWM AG
Welding site in the Hering AG production hall. The pipe is mounted on a rotating
bearing and turns automatically. This means that the tube-flange connections can
always be welded in PA position.
Photo: EWM AG
tigSpeed – save up to 50% with the TIG wire feeder from EWM
TIG welding had played a fairly
insignificant role at Hering.
tig S peed : superb seam quality at top
Robert Bernhard works for Slatina
Schweißtechnik, a sales partner for EWM,
a welding machine manufacturer based
in Mündersbach, Germany. He has been
supporting manufacturing at Hering AG
for many years and is always on hand to
offer advice and assistance to the Head of
Production, Manfred Lepp. On one of his
visits, Bernhard suggested that Mr Lepp
might wish to consider an alternative
technique for welding the many tube-
flange connections: TIG welding with
EWM tigSpeed is a TIG wire feed welding
machine that is perfectly suited to welding
tube-flange connections. tigSpeed mimics
manual TIG welding by introducing
forward and backward movement in
addition to a continuous wire feed. As
a result, the welding consumable is
repeatedly drawn out of the weld pool
and passes over drop by drop. In the
case of hot wire welding, the welding
consumable is preheated. This further
increases the deposition rate, which allows
the consumable to flow better, thereby
producing a very uniform weld seam.
The advantages are obvious: thanks to the
automatic wire feeding, the welder can
concentrate totally on the welding process.
Their second hand remains free and can
support the guide hand. "It's a great help,
particularly with long seams," explains
Valmir Xhaferi, a welder at Hering AG. "A
flange can be welded onto the tube in
a single step – and there are no contact
points caused because I don't need to
change welding rods."
A positioner makes the tube turn
continuously. This means that the
operating point remains in the same place
in the flat position. For the outer seam,
this is on top of the tube, and for the inner
seam, it is on the upwards-facing side of
the inside of the tube. Combined with
the high deposition rates of the hot wire
technique, this constant working position
means that high welding speeds can be
achieved while at the same time ensuring
outstanding seam quality.
E asy handling – quiet working
It only took the welders at Hering AG
half an hour to get fully up to speed
with tigSpeed. Controlled using one-
knob operation, handling is really
straightforward, and a digital display
guarantees reproducible