Metalock’s steel
plant refurbishment
reputation spreads
To speed the orbital turning operation
and ensure that all seven shafts matched,
Metalock fixed a template of the stepped
profile to the orbital turning device. The
tools followed this profile, as in a copying
Global operation
Metalock Engineering’s reputation is
growing apace and as well as roughing mill
stand refurbishments at Corus, Llanwern;
the reversing roughing mill at Corus, Port
Talbot and the orbital turning project on
the seven beam straightening machine
shafts at Corus, Teesside, the company has
carried out projects in Spain, at Aviles for
Aceralia refurbishing eight screwdown
bores; refurbished four mill stands for
Sollac in Marseilles and done similar work
for Iran Steel in Esfahan.
Such is the company’s experience in this
type of work that all the contracts were
accomplished within the time and budgets
allocated by the client to the satisfaction of
all concerned. In past years Metalock has
carried out works in steel plants in Poland,
Turkey, Chile, Norway, Sweden, Belgium,
South Africa, India, Romania, China,
Canada and the USA.
Cast iron repairs
In addition to the machining work
Metalock Engineering UK is the largest
and most successful company in the world
specialising in cold repairs to cast iron
using the Metalock process. This technique
was developed over 70 years ago for
the repair of castings in iron, bronze,
aluminium and steel that have been
cracked or broken.
Because it is a cold repair it avoids the
normal stress problems associated with
welding. The Metalock process is the
accepted repair technique for all cracked,
broken and damaged castings in a wide
range of industries, for a multitude of
applications. The repair consists of peening
layers of Metalock special nickel alloy
multi-dumbbell shaped keys into prepared
These keys are highly ductile and
can be peened into a metal-tometal condition to become almost
integral with the component’s
parent metal. Metalock keys are
manufactured in a variety of sizes
to suit each individual job.
Their high strength ensures the return
of a high percentage of the original
strength. The essential advantages of the
Metalock repair are that no heat stresses
are introduced, no distortion occurs and in
many instances machining is unnecessary.
The process is invaluable in emergency
situations and in many cases where the
component is accessible, it can be done
in-situ to avoid costly dismantling and
When it comes to providing specialist
services to the world steel industry,
Metalock is one of the leaders by offering
its skills in In-Situ Machining, Cold Repairs
to Cast Iron and Cast Iron Fusion Welding,
For those who require it, the company
provides alignment services and has a
comprehensive in house machining facility
at its headquarters in Coventry, England.
Issue 23 PECM