PECM Issue 21 2016 | Page 78

Measurement & Monitoring Mydax Celebrates 30th Anniversary 1986-2016 Mydax is proud to announce that we are celebrating our 30th year in business. Starting in February 1986 with our patented refrigeration circuit utilizing embedded computer control, our slogan of “Advanced Temperature Control Technology” still holds true today. With the ability to provide extreme temperature stabilities of ±0.05°C for critical applications, even with high cooling power requirements up to 70kW, Mydax is bringing laboratory precision to the industrial market. Mydax also offers the CryoDax series of chiller systems for the most demanding requirements with fluid temperature ranges of -70°C to +150°C with cooling capacities from 3kW up to 30kW or more at -40°C available. Please call or visit Mydax online for more information. 00-1-530-888-6662 • [email protected] [email protected] • Mydax Inc. 12260 Shale Ridge Ln, Auburn, Ca. 95602 USA Vibration Monitoring Services Limited Vibration and Thermal Imaging Surveys Specialists in providing cost effective and professional Vibration Monitoring and Thermal Imaging Surveys Surveys in: • Machine Vibration Condition • Construction/ Demolition Vibration • Construction Noise Monitoring 0HDVXULQJ&RQWUROOLQJ0RQLWRULQJRQKLJKHVWOHYHO 7HPSHUDWXUH5HOD\VDQG6HQVRUV 0RQLWRULQJRI&XUUHQW9ROWDJHDQG3KDVH &RQWUROVIRU6XFWLRQ3ODQWV 5HOD\VIRU)UHTXHQF\DQG6SHHG 0HDVXULQJ7UDQVGXFHUV