Partnership of Stieber with Twiflex
Simplifies the Specification of Industrial
Braking Systems for Customers
Stieber GmbH, specialist for backstops, brakes and clutches, and a company of Altra Industrial
The company supplies the brakes under
Motion Group, now offers the entire industrial brakes assortment of the world's leading brand
a comprehensive offering that includes
Twiflex. Moreover Stieber can support its customers locally through application engineering
support for the design and selection of
and mitliefern to customer specifications customized installation and additional components
the brake components and the supply of
in the package.
wheels, hubs, fasteners and other parts for
eavy-duty disc brakes
For the designer, the specification of these
include many industrial
brakes often means an extra level of effort
equipment of cranes and
and complexity of design and engineering
elevators to mills and
process. At the retail level makes the
conveyor belts to the main functional
wrong choice, the maintenance and the
modernization concept. Stieber has now
partnered with its sister company Twiflex
When integrated into the final machine
closed in order to offer a range of p