Boilers & Maintenance
Babcock Wanson provides new boiler
house & plant for Stolthaven Terminals
Handing over the torch at
G P Burners
abcoc Wanson has desi ned a ne thermal fluid system to accommodate its hi h
e ciency hermal Fluid eaters at tolthaven Da enham td bul li uid terminal
situated on the river Thames in Dagenham, Essex.
manufacturer, G P Burners (CIB) LTD, has
appointed Daniel Goulding to the post of
Managing Director. He replaces Jim Spearing,
who is retiring after nearly 40 years in the post,
during which he oversaw the acquisition of the
company by Italian manufacturer, CIB Unigas
The site has been operating for many years, handling chemicals, petroleum,
pharmaceutical and agricultural products, but more recently has added a bitumen
facility to its portfolio. Originally operating at 134,000 M³, Stolthaven Dagenham has
no expanded its capacity to
and is home to 20 tan s ran in from
to 11,000 M³.
Babcock Wanson worked closely with Stolthaven Dagenham’s consultants to provide
the final desi n of the boiler house and then install and fit it out ith its
TPC B Thermal Fluid Heaters. A large proportion of the thermal design was also
carried out by Babcock Wanson with the supply of all the system valves and ancillary
equipment to provide a complete system with single point of responsability. The
system also incorporates a secondary circuit to provide lower temperature thermal
fluid for the bitumen pump casin heatin . he pro ect as a fast movin one ith
tight deadlines, all of which Babcock Wanson met.
Babcock Wanson Tel: 020 8953 7111
Email [email protected]
Large Scale Rotational Moulding
Installation benefits from Lanemark
Process Heating Technology
he heatin e ciency of process as burner
systems from Lanemark Combustion Engineering,
and the company’s ability to work closely with
customers to meet specific applications needs,
have been clearly demonstrated through a
ma or pro ect underta en by rotational mouldin
specialists, Rotomech Engineering.
Daniel (33) has a BA in Business Management
from the University of Gloucestershire. After graduating, he retrained as a
commercial electrical en ineer, before oinin
urners in 20 . Durin
his time with the company, he has acquired a broad range of industry
experience in a number of roles, most recently as a commissioning
Email: [email protected]
WTS Benefits from
Economic Upturn
ervices, are benefitin
from the
productivity increase in the manufacturing sector
particularly in the Aerospace, Automotive and Steel
industries. Although the economy would seem to have
turned a corner and is now heading in the right direction, it
has not yet demonstrated su cient ro th or stability for
manufacturers to invest in new capital plant. Therefore the
additional production demands must be met by existing
Lanemark FD (forced draught) burners have
been specified as a ey element in a lar e-scale roc -and-roll system
– the latest facility to become operational at Etills, who produce a wide
range of water storage tanks, vessels and containers for both public and
trade markets across Europe and are well known for the ‘Ecosure’ brand.
Running and maintaining industrial heating plant, in some cases as much as
sixty years old, re uires a lot of time and effort especially iven ne demands
for increased production, reduced energy consumption, etc. With a pedigree
stretching back 110 years and incorporating some of the UK’s best known furnace
builders, together with an extensive archive and spares inventory, Wellman’s
Furnace Team are perfectly placed to meet the needs of manufacturing industry
in keeping its furnace equipment, regardless of manufacturer, operating at peak
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0121 543 0000
Issue 20 PECM