PECM Issue 19 2016 | Page 36

MACH Preview ͻ >ŝǀĞŝŶƚĞƌĂĐƚŝǀĞŐƌĂƉŚƐƐŚŽǁŝŶŐK͕WĂƌƚYƵĂůŝƚLJ͕WĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞĂŶĚhƚŝůŝƐĂƚŝŽŶ͘ ͻ /ŶƚĞƌĂĐƚŝǀĞdŝŵĞůŝŶĞŽĨĞǀĞŶƚƐ͘ ͻ ,ŝƐƚŽƌŝĐĂůƌĞƉŽƌƚŝŶŐ;ĂƵƚŽŵĂƚŝĐĂůůLJĞŵĂŝůĞĚƚŽLJŽƵͿ͘ ͻ ĐĐĞƐƐĚĂƚĂƵƐŝŶŐǁĞďďƌŽǁƐĞƌ;WͬdĂďůĞƚͬ^ŵĂƌƚƉŚŽŶĞͿ͘ ͻ ŵĂŝůĞĚŶŽƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘ ͻ DĂĐŚŝŶĞ^ƚĂƚƵƐ;ZƵŶŶŝŶŐͬ&ĞĞĚ,ŽůĚͬ/ĚůĞͬůĂƌŵͬ^ĞƚƵƉͿ ͻ WĂƌƚ/ͬĐƚŝǀĞEWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻ WĂƌƚŽƵŶƚ ͻ &ĞĞĚͬZĂƉŝĚͬ^ƉŝŶĚůĞKǀĞƌƌŝĚĞƐ ͻ dŽŽůEƵŵďĞƌ ͻ ůĂƌŵEƵŵďĞƌĂŶĚdĞdžƚ ͻ >ŝǀĞK &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĐĂůůƵƐŽŶϬϭϮϭϮϴϴϯϯϲϲŽƌũŽŝŶƵƐĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĐŶĐĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Advanced CNC Machine Monitoring And DNC FactoryWiz is quickly becoming the leading solution for CNC monitoring and DNC software in the UK. more). Whether you run mass production or just have small batch work, FactoryWiz will increase your profits. FactoryWiz monitoring now comes with DNC included, as a free add-on. A major benefit of FactoryWiz is how flexible it is to work for you !!! FactoryWiz Crystal Reports can be tailored to your exact needs, either by us or your IT department. Large screen displays can be created for your production teams to display data key to your business planning and descision making. FactoryWiz Monitoring is a powerful, modern CNC Machine Tool monitoring and data collection package that allows you to see your whole factory on one screen (PC / Tablet / Smart Phone), this can be viewed from anywhere, all you need is a web browser. In additional to live status displays, FactoryWiz comes with real time, live interactive graphs showing OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), Part Quality, Performance and Utilisation. Look back at past events and performance with Historical PDF reporting, automatically emailed to you on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis. On average, our customers see 10-15% increases on productivity (sometimes Call us today on 0121 2883366 to discuss your requirements or for a live product demonstration. e: [email protected] | t: 0121 2883366 | w: 36 PECM Issue 19