PECM Issue 18 2016 | Page 11

Mechanically actuated rectangular damper Isolation dampers can be manufactured and tested to 18kPA+ in bag out filter housings and systems, but soon their high-end customers were clamouring for the same. Applications engineer Mark Bamforth explains “Critical ventilation applications commonly need a safe system whereby the associated pre and/or HEPA filters can be replaced in isolation, either to protect the environment and the operators from toxic or active particles present in the air stream, or to protect the process from contamination by outside air. To affect these filter changes safely while allowing critical systems to continue to operate, each filter system must be individually isolated. Commonly available dampers were found to have too high a leakage rate for such critical and high flow applications. This was leading to overly expensive depression relief systems or the need to isolate a complete filter bank which often necessitated an inefficient and complicated complete system shutdown.” Because of the extensive use of their filters and housings in the nuclear industry, M C Air Filtration dampers have to meet the most rigorous of standards far beyond those of others available on the market. Each isolation damper is manufactured and individually factory tested under strict quality controlled conditions in accordance with the company’s BS EN ISO 9001 accreditation and allocated with a unique serial number for future traceability. MCAF dampers are also routinely pressure tested and certified to ensure they are leak free at pressures of up to 12KPa and can be manufactured and tested to 18 kPa plus. sided with radiused corners. Dampers have been manufactured up to 1000mm in diameter and 1000mm square. Alongside the success of the original circular isolation damper, MCAF now also produces a rectangular series butterfly isolation damper suitable for installation into square and rectangular ductwork. This range was developed using the same design principles, however the body and blade are flat Recent projects include the supply of over 400 multiblade isolation dampers to a major new biotech facility in London, a nuclear decommissioning project in Scotland and work at the forefront of Britain’s development of nuclear fusion. Conventional square and rectangular section ultra-low leakage or zero leakage multi-blade isolation dampers are also manufactured by the Kentbased firm in either coated carbon or stainless steel. These products generally feature multiple spring loaded self-compensating blades fitted with a silicone rubber blade seals that are mechanically compressed against the damper frame. The differential pressure difference across the damper blade also aids closure and sealing of the blades. M.C. Air Filtration Ltd. E X C E L L E N C E I N A I R F I L T R AT I O N MOTNEY HILL ROAD T: +44(0) 1634 388333 GILLINGHAM KENT E: [email protected] ME8 7TZ Issue 18 PECM 11