PECM Issue 16 2015 | Page 12

Editors Choice )UDPHLWZLWKHDVH %HDYHUVZRRG KDYHFRQWLQXRXVO\VWULYHGWREULQJLQQRYDWLYHSURGXFWVWRWKHPDUNHWSODFH2QHVXFK SURGXFWLVIUDPHVGRFV ¹:]XMZ\¼[OWVMXW[P#PM¼[QV^M[\MLQVKWTW]Z º (9(5<7+,1*67$1'6287%(77(5,1&2/285 0DNHVXUHNH\PHVVDJHVJHW QRWLFHGE\SODFLQJWKHPLQ FRORXUIUDPHVGRFVpLVWKH EHVWZD\WRPDNHLPSRUWDQW LQIRUPDWLRQVWDQGRXWDQG NHHSHPSOR\HHVVDIH 0DJQHWLF DGKHVLYH YHUVLRQV DYDLODEOH    YLVLWEHDYHUVZRRGFRXN Celebrating 50 years of innovation in Process Instrumentation and Control Celebrating 50 years of innovation in A combination of a premium instrumentation portfolio and Process Instrumentation and Control talented workforce has resulted in trusted, longstanding partnerships around the world. A combination of a premium instrumentation portfolio and talented Since 1965, Eurotherm has workforce has resulted in trusted, longstanding partnerships around the world. grown from an innovative start-up in the Since 1965,company Eurotherm has grown from an supplier innovative UK, to a global of start-up company in the , specialist instrumentation UK,systems to a global supplier of and services. specialist instrumentation, Solving customer systems and services.problems is key at Eurotherm and Solving customer problems talk with is their key engineers at Eurotherm and passion about how their engineers talk many with of the about technical leaps and passion how many of creative the technical leaps from and ideas came creative came from havingideas this goal in mind. having this goal mind.had strong relationships with their Employees haveinalways Employees have always had customers, feeling responsible for products throughout their strong relationships with entire life time (which can span decades), and understanding their customers, feeling the impactfor of problems that can slow down manufacturing. responsible products throughout entire life Electric, we continue to blend 50 Today, astheir part of Schneider time (which span decades), and understanding the impact of problems years’ ofcan applications expertise with new technology, providing that can slow down manufacturing. improved process solutions that help you get the most from Today, part of Schneider Electric, we continue to blend 50 years’ of yourasprocess. applications expertise with new technology, providing improved process solutions that helphere get the most from your process. Find out more Find out more here 12 PECM Issue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’s leading specialist foam fabricator and foam converter Kewell Converters Ltd (KCL) is the UK’s leading specialist foam fabricator and foam converter. We have an unrivalled depth of experience in manufacturing and design in foam applications for the process industries stemming from more than 40 years of continuous operation in our family owned and run business. Kewell are expert at manufacturing components with a range of specialist foams and can laminate, die-cut, weld, rout and saw at our state of the art facility to deliver a solution for your issue. We design and manufacture foam products to order as required. Bespoke and custom foam parts and product is our passion. Kewell Converters manufacture in house, under one roof using both traditional techniques and advanced foam fabrication and specialised converting production equipment and CNC machines. Contact us today on +44 (0)1732 864 310 or visit our website at Innovative and Specialist Foam Products