Drives & Controls
Power Transmission
KTR manufacture a range standard and bespoke flexible
couplings for shaft-to-shaft and engine flywheel applications.
We also manufacture an extensive range of hydraulic
accessories including bellhousings and the new “eco” OAC
oil/air blast cooler with continuous variable speed control.
Toughest shell in the shellfish line
Exico motors are back!
Krijn Verwijs is one of Europe’s foremost suppliers of shellfish products
including oysters, lobster and in particular fresh blue or common mussels.
In its Yerseke - Netherlands based shellfish production centre, rapid
drive corrosion due to the seawater-infused atmosphere has long been
a major concern. NORD aluminum geared motors with a special surface
conversion treatment now provides an economical solution to resolve this
Frequent drive replacements therefore used to
be the order of the day at Krijn Verwijs until the
company learned of a new design approach for
drives deployed in aggressive environments: NORD
treatment. This technology enables aluminium
geared motors – which can be very easily and
effortlessly washed down – to achieve stainless
steel grade resistance to corrosion.
Krijn Verwijs has begun to roll out CLEAN DRIVE nsd
tupH systems that are sure to provide considerable
longer service lives in the salt-rich atmosphere.
Though these aluminum geared motors do come at a premium compared
to the price of conventional cast iron units, both lab trials and extensive
real-life testing in the factory in Yerseke indicate that nsd tupH systems
will last for the better part of the typical 10-year li fWF