Governor Speaks
My Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Well as the PEAK 15 year rolls out further… with
the installation season behind us… now we begin
with our OCVs (Official Club Visits)… as you are
well aware, the OCV is one of the most important
days in the calendar of a Rotary Club…… when
the District Governor visits your club, please
ensure that your entire Rotary family is present in
full strength for the special occasion… Rotarians,
Anns, Partners in Service, Innerwheel
Members… even your other associates like the NGOs who work with your
The presence of all these indicates the strength of the club…poor
attendance on the OCV day does not really help, which must be noted. It's
the occasion for the District Governor… to appreciate the good work you
are doing, to recognize efforts of all Rotarians, and to guide you all on
possible improvements. Please prepare well for the OCV, and your AG, as
well as District Secretary will be happy to support you in doing that.
Last month saw some excellent Rotary events…. The Interact District
Training Assembly SANSKAR, the Member Induction Seminar RIGHT
HAND, First TRF Seminar with PRIP Kalyan Banerjee as Chief Guest, the
District Picnic PEAK FIESTA and many more… all of them were
outstandingly conceived, brilliantly hosted and well attended. Kudos to all
who made it happen.
Our flagship project.. Sukhada – WinS… is well underway now.. nearly 50
toilet units under construction… five contractors including Wockhardt
Foundation engaged….all 100 toilets which were offered as “ Matching “ to
clubs, already exhausted… the wait list for further commitments is open
now. Friends, as I have said earlier… this is going to be a monumental
project for RID 3140… those who have still to participate… just do it
now…. In the PEAK 15 Year, in the Farewell Year, I wish to see every
Rotarian, every club doing everything… and that too in a way, that it should
set a new benchmark.
Now we are looking forward for 13th September… when we conduct our
First TB Detection Camps across the district. Unprecedented
preparations gone in… a tremendous wave of determination and
excitement to take on this new challenge already in… Leaders like PRIP
Kalyan Banerjee visiting…TRF special observer Dr. Dennis Addo, a TB
expert himself, coming to understand and analyze the operations…. Club
teams, TB Avenue Team, AGs, Avenue Chairs, District Officers,
Rotaractors, Innerwheel members, RCCs, NGOs, Lupin teams… all well
prepared, highly motivated to deliver…. Crores of people will see Rotary in
action at ground zero… thousands of lives will be saved… in one single
day… can we look for anything better to satisfy us? It totally justifies our
identities as Rotarians… makes us feel proud.
Friends… we shall continue talking… there is so much going on… and
much more to come.
Warm Regards
First Lady Speaks
My Dear Rotarians and Gracious
Well two months of the year 2015-16
have already passed so quickly…I feel
a its like a flicker. Last month was full of
Rotary activities. One was
membership induction… we have
inducted a good number of new
friends in to our Rotary family and I feel
happy to see there are good number of women. I have attended
our first TRF Seminar in Andheri and was a good success. As
PRIP Kalyan Banerjee said “In Rotary you develop the art of
giving giving selflessly without thinking about who is benefitting
from it”. I was brought up in a moderate Maharashtrian family
where a concept to help needy was always there. At that time, I
remember my parents would help so many children for their
education from their own little way by paying fees…giving
books…may be some money for travel etc. The only thing that
saddens me is even after so many years we have so many
people who need help … well … can't help but keep on working.
But I truly believe that soon there will be a day when India will be
a country of all well educated and successful people who will
help the needy from other countries.
Last year I visited Burns Centre at Airoli and saw the need of skin
donation and decided to fill the form on my name for the cause. I
urge Rotarians to help the skin donation drive. Similarly, I had
filled up a form for eye donation with the Eye Bank at Borivli Club.
Well this goes just as my thought about total help from me to the
On 15th August we celebrate Independence Day. One thing I
would like to share with everyone…. We have been taught