Peak to Peak Charter School's Strategic Plan 2018 | Page 14

Inspiring Learning Strategies & Initiatives Develop kinesthetic learning environments informed by current brain research Promote problem-based learning through embedded curricular opportunities Foster experiential learning through sponsorship of local and international travel Promote and expand service learning projects and opportunities Expand opportunities for students to complete capstone projects as demonstrations of learning Explore improvements to the yearly calendar, daily schedule, and course structure Create a one-to-web technology structure Strengthen resources, support systems, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) programming for struggling students, Talented and Gifted (TAG) students, and students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) Guide the creation of K-12 student portfolios Prioritize student-driven initiatives, critical thinking, calculated risk-taking, and self-reflection as innovative instructional choices Spotlight Innovation & Design Course This class redesigns the traditional Peak to Peak class structure in order to foster student innovation. Each week, students solve problems through collaboration and design-thinking, which means being intentional and empathetic with the process of creation. No assessments are traditional tests, no homework is traditional studying and no class work involves passively listening in order to memorize. Here, curious students put cross- curricular design thinking into practice, using skills that would fall under the auspices of every academic department. This course requires students to solve an increasingly difficult series of problems by creating, evaluating, analyzing and collaborating towards a final public innovation showcase. Provide research-based professional development aligned with identified initiatives 14 15