Peachy the Magazine Summer 2023 | Page 52

WRITTEN BY Lisa L . Cashion , MA , MDiv , LCMHC , NCC

Re-Purposing Your Empty Nest

Nesting is intentional , hard work . If you ’ ve ever observed the nest-building process in nature , it also looks gratifying and fun . True nest-builders — birds , insects and other industrious creatures like squirrels and muskrats — are operating on instinct . Their instincts are to prepare and protect . Finished nests , each one a unique work of art , are meant for nurturing physical health and growth — with the expectation that the young nesters will eventually outgrow the physical structure .
As human beings , we also think of “ nesting ” as the instinct to create a healthy , helpful , homey environment for our youngsters . And since our human offspring ( biological or otherwise ) tend to stick around for much longer , we get really accustomed to the work and gratification of updating and rearranging our nests .