This plays out well throughout the
landscape, with green hedges used to
avoid the predictability of the same
plant. The landscape provides a mix
of formal (clipped hedge borders) and
informal—or a little wild—with big
swaths of agapanthus and roses.
Less an edge and more a nod to the
past is the hypnotic Belgian block gran-
ite edging. It is simple, beautiful and
mesmerizing in its purpose to invite
people to meander. Judy says, “It is
primarily a northern building material,
reminding us that Rosecliff is a north-
ern house, but we used it as you would
see a border brick in a Charleston
garden, with a flat and upright course
of the brick-shaped blocks. We affec-
tionately call it a ‘Charleston border,’
so we pay homage to the two worlds
of a northern house in the South.”