Based on the client’s wish list for the
grounds, Gerry says the intent was to
“create privacy from neighboring lots
on each side, a beautiful arrival court
for parking, gardens appropriate to the
house in the front yard, a pool, a dock,
a folly by the river, and space for two
young sons to play.” Judy adds, “The
planting on the back side needed to be
less formal than the front, keeping the
river as the primary focus.”
The plantings are both lavish and
refined. The color scheme for the gar-
den is various shades and textures of
green. “We planted simple boxwood
hedges around the primary portion of
the residence to anchor the home and
provide a constant foundation,” Judy
says. Gerry adds, “The simplicity is nec-
essary because the house is opulent, and
this allows the architecture to shine.”
SunScapes also notes that the Rosecliff
mansion is planted in a similar way.