Bodhi Bazaar EAT
Located in DeVargas Center, this
shop has everything a woman needs.
Quality clothing and more! This is very tough because there are so
many amazing restaurants!
564 North Guadalupe Street
505.982.3880 La Choza and The Shed
Double Take
An upcycling store that sells both
Western and non-Western clothing,
boots, jewelry, art and home acces-
sories. This shop is near Guadalupe
which is another great walking area
other than the square downtown.
320 Aztec Street
These sister restaurants have the best
green and red chile in town. Year after
year, I have never found a better place
to get authentic New Mexican chile.
There is always a wait, so grab a mar-
garita and relax.
La Choza
905 Alarid Street
The Shed (photo below)
113 1/2 East Palace Avenue