Peachy the Magazine May June 2015 | Page 109

HEALTH + WELLNESS Third “R” = Reinoculate Disruption of the intestinal lining is often associated with disruption of the normal intestinal flora. These are the healthy bacteria that live in the gut and help to digest foods but also aid in the metabolism of certain vitamins and the absorption of some important minerals. Disruption of the normal microbial environment is common and can make one more susceptible to pathogens and infections. During this period of healing and recovery, it is important to replace the microbes by taking a probiotic and by including prebiotic foods. Prebiotics are foods that feed the normal flora. They generally contain fiber, like inulin. Foods like leeks, garlic and onions, as well as flax, barley and oats, are considered prebiotics. Probiotics can be ingested through fermented foods like miso, kimchi and tempeh, or by taking a high intensity probiotic of 50 billion colonies twice a day. It is best to choose a high-quality, enteric-coated probiotic found in the refrigerated section of the vitamin or health food store. Fourth “R” = Repair While on the Elimination Diet, add supplements which will aid in the gut’s repair. These include omega fatty acids previously discussed. Antioxidants like vitamins A, D, E and C, zinc and glutamine (an amino acid), have been shown to help in the repair of the gut over time. (Vitamin A, E and zinc are supplied in a good multivitamin; vitamin D3 2000–3000 IU daily and glutamine 500 milligrams twice a day) MAY JUNE 2015 107