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People often ask me what it means to
“nurture an abundant life.” First and
foremost, it is my spiritual life that is
so important. It also involves stepping
out of the rat race to cultivate something you love, to be creative and to
take a leap of faith.
Blair Farris
Photo by Jessica Milligan
Artwork by Way Way Allen
For me, one part of my abundant life is
in nurturing my gardens. They bring
me incredible joy! I am sure you can
see that if you follow my Instagram. I
am blissful when each flower starts to
bloom—whether it be the lenten roses
or the hybrid teas.
Charleston, one of my favorite cities
in the country, has wholeheartedly
adopted abundant living. While doing
research on the city, I came across some
of the most creative, passionate people.
For a city that is steeped in history,
Charleston—much like my hometown
of Austin, Texas—has become a creative boiling pot. I recently attended
the Southern C Summit in Charleston
with like-minded creatives and entreprenuers who gathered from cities
nationwide. I was thrilled to see artists,
interior designers, BBQ queens, authors,
shop owners and bloggers sharing their
ideas and learning from each other.