Savage Beauty
A cream and graphite grass cloth by
Celerie Kemble for Schumacher provides a dramatic backdrop for this
curved staircase. The chairs are covered
in a Pindler and Pindler linen embroidery fabric from the Newport Mansions
Collection. The pattern, inspired by a
circa-1891 bodice found at the Preservation Society of Newport County,
was selected not only for its historical
significance, but also because it is the
perfect foil to the grass cloth featuring a
simplified version of a classic acanthus
leaf that forms a stylized stripe.
The inlaid wood floor is a stunning
counterpoint to the curvilinear fabric
used on the chairs and the grass cloth
walls. Jonathan chose an American
Marie Antoinette pattern, made by a
central square block and surrounded
by overlapping stripes. The floor was
hand assembled using white oak and
walnut. The design and use of materials
complement the oak library adjacent to
the entrance hall and the wide walnut
plank floors throughout the home.