Peachy the Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 18

The home has windows and doors in just about every room , flooding the house with natural light and ease to access the outdoors . In the living room the light bounces from the original curved timber ceiling , and there are two sets of leaded glass French doors that lead to additional outdoor entertaining spaces .
The home has a total of six sets of French doors , all along the golf-course side of the property , that generate air and a sense of movement throughout the entire home .
The Newnams repaired the large fireplace and added the iron fire screen , which looks like it has always lived here , and the antique “ TV armoire .” Crafted in the early 1800s , the piece was originally a French sleeping hutch . Angela discovered the armoire in her hometown of Tryon , NC , and converted it into the cabinet .
For the interior design , Angela worked with Lizzy Summerlin , saying , “ I ’ ve collected pieces that I love from many places — we have moved several times . It has been terrific to partner with Lizzy and find the right spot for them all here at the ‘ Raoulwood ’ house .”