Chatting with Betsy
Johnson at her Belk
launch in 2014…who
knew she was so tiny?
With Lela Rose and her
mom, Deedie Rose, at
the Mint Auxiliary Forum
in 2016. Lela was the
honored speaker.
Peachy and her girls
in Santa Fe. From left:
Pyeatt, Georgi, Corbin,
Cara, Prissy and me.
issue, we have taken a step back to
revisit some of our most memorable
features. Join us as we look back at
some of our favorite homes, gardens,
entertaining ideas, beauty products,
health and wellness tips and inspiring
stories from around the country.
Many, many thanks to my amazing
team that makes all the magic happen.
I couldn’t do it without them.
We are so excited about the next five
years and have more fabulous cities
to cover.
And a look back at the Peachy Launch Party in 2013…
Questions, comments or ideas…email me
at [email protected].
FALL 2018