The Undeniable Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
president of the non-profit Preventive
Medicine Research. Studies are funded
in his plant-based heart program, which
is currently offered in some medical
centers. His program has repeatedly
shown that when the body is given the
right environment it is able to heal itself.
Long-term studies have shown that a
plant-based diet with moderate exercise and stress reduction can reverse
heart disease. Cholesterol plaques and
clogged arteries were cleared, and
angina attacks were reduced by 90
percent after only a few weeks on the
program. In addition, research from the
Harvard School of Public Health has
shown reductions in blood pressure,
even enough to reduce or discontinue
medication, after institution of a diet
rich in vegetables and fruits.
Animal protein intake and processed
foods have also been linked to increase
incidence of many forms of cancer.
The increase is likely related to the
production of IGF-1 (insulin-like
growth factor). An elevation of this
factor is normal in childhood development, but when elevated in adulthood high levels have been known
to increase the growth, proliferation
and spread of cancer cells. Low protein diets are associated with reduced
IGF-1 and reduced levels of oxidative
stress, inflammation, insulin sensitivity
and chronic disease. Longitudinal
and epidemiological studies have
shown areas known as “Blue
Zones” with high vegetable
and fruit intake low
in pesticides, low