North Carolina Mountains
Chocolate Lounge
For everything sweet
(expect a long line at
the door).
10 S. Pack Square
Photo: The Biltmore Estate
Biltmore House
(photo below)
South Asheville is the
home of the famous
Biltmore House, built
by George Vanderbilt in
the late 1800s. It remains
the largest private residence in the country and
the top-visited site in
North Carolina. Make
a reservation for your
home tour, and plan at
least four hours to enjoy
the house, gardens, winery and shops. Cedric’s
Tavern is fun for lunch
inside the estate and has
fish and chips that are
worth the calories.
1 Lodge Street
River Arts District
Stroll through this area
along the French Broad
River and visit artists’
studios. Circle back into
downtown and enjoy
street performers, local
craftsman and dancing
on the streets.
Riverside Drive
If you enjoy beer,
Asheville has become
a brewing capital where
you can visit Sierra
Nevada, Wedge,
Funkatorium, Burial
and Hi-Wire. Or just get
on the tour bus where
imbibing is encouraged!
Sierra Nevada
100 Sierra Nevada Way
Mills River, NC