Peace & Stability Journal Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1 | Page 9

PKSOI leads discussion on Transnational Organized Crime at IAPTC PKSOI's Dr. Karen Finkenbinder The International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers had more than 100 countries represented, including all of the major peacekeeping centers. The Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB) hosted this year's conference. Dr. Karen Finkenbinder, PKSOI's Rule of Law SME, introduced the Vietnam Peacekeeping Centre (VPC) contingent for the first time to the other peacekeeping center commanders. Dr. Finkenbinder is currently working with VPC as a Ministry of Defense Advisor. Dr. Finkenbinder presented PKSOI's PSOTEW workshop concept to the IAPTC audience, as a venue for future collaboration. Dr. Finkenbinder also led a thematic discussion on the Role of Peacekeepers in countering Transnational Organized Crime. The keynote speakers, plenary and work group presentations can be downloaded under the additional information tab at the 21st Annual Conference of the IAPTC Website. 7