Rova
is
a
great
way
to
capture
guest
at
the
event
and
to
give
them
a
branded
take-?home
memento
of
the
event
In
addi6on
or
as
an
alterna6ve
the
op6on
of
a
free-?roaming
photographer
and/or
videographer
who
can
capture
the
en6re
event
from
posed
guest
shots
to
candid
and
crea6ve
photo’s
of
this
fabulous
event.
In
addi6on,
a
special
video
loop
can
be
created
to
play
on
the
screens
during
the
event
capturing
the
brand
and
the
essence
of
the
event.
This
would
be
in
lieu
of
the
standard
‘holding
slide’
op6on
and
is
a
far
more
innova6ve
and
impressive
op6on.