PDF PREVIEW | Página 7




South Dealer + Both Vulnerable
west north east south
THERE ARE MANY specific areas of bidding that get messed up more than others . The auction here is one such area . South opens 1��and North raises to 2� . East comes in with 3♦ . How should South continue from here on the following six hands ?
♠ A Q J 10 7 ♥ Q 8 2 ♦ 9 3 ♣ Q J 8
Pass . Yes , you have great spades , but that ’ s all . Minimum balanced hands should generally be passive on auctions like this . Many players rebid 3��on this or similar hands and they come a cropper the majority of the time . Look at it this way . If you are going to make 3��you need a maximum dummy and you would also appreciate four-card support from partner . If you pass 3♦ , your partner can bid 3��if he has what is necessary , and he can pass or double if that seems best . Your pass tells partner you have nothing special . Let him decide .
What might you lead here ? I suggest the� �Q , not the �A . Your partner is not likely to have the �K . The opponents are likely to have more spades than your partner , and they have more high-card points too .
1 / hand 1