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Getaway to Ain Draham
Surrounded by cork oaks and pines as far as the eye can see , Ain Draham lives at the rhythm of a peaceful and still wild nature . The charming redtiled village whose landscapes change as the seasons go by leaves no one indifferent . Those who visited it do never get tired of coming back to recharge their batteries and discover new natural treasures of the region .
A unique village in Tunisia If it takes nearly three hours to drive to Ain Draham from the capital , the change of scenery begins in Bou Salem , a city at the junction between the governorates of Beja and Jendouba . The steepness of the highway is followed by a bumpy and winding road while the vast green plains give way to the Khroumirie jebels populated by pine trees and cork oaks , announcing the proximity of Ain Draham . After the last curve , the picturesque village with red tiles emerges with splendor on the wooded side of Djebel Bir . Its pretty houses with colonial architecture bear witness to the past of Ain Draham . A former military base , created in 1882 to accommodate French officers under the Protectorate , the village quickly became a popular resort for European tourists , even appearing in 1940 in French tourist guides . A vestige of this ancient popularity , the village still concentrates a large number of hotels , the best known and oldest of which , the magisterial Hotel Les Chênes , should reopen its doors next September , after two years of closure and a total renovation . If over the years , Ain Draham has lost its appeal to the benefit of seaside resorts such as Tabarka , it remains nevertheless the preferred destination of local tourists seeking a change of scenery and tranquility . With its record rainfall in Tunisia and its Vosges-like landscapes , Ain Draham offers an atypical setting that changes with the seasons . Pleasant in summer when the rest of the country suffers from the great heat , during the winter , it is not rare that the village and the forest are covered with a sumptuous white coat while the temperatures flirt with zero ...
Ain Draham , land of many natural treasures Because it is home to one of the largest game reserves in the country , Ain Draham has a long tradition of hunting . Wild boar hunts are organized every year at the end of January for the pleasure of hunters from all over Tunisia and it is common to find on the menu of local restaurants tasty dishes made from wild boar meat or other game . 42