PDA's Annual Report 2016 | Page 7

PDA STRATEGIC PLAN Although the leadership of both PDA and PDAIS expect the impact to be of relatively short duration (5-7 years), we need to tighten our belts. Decisions must be made with laser acuity to stay within our budgetary reality while endeavoring to produce meaningful programming that gives member value. In spite of the challenges PDA continues to address, I believe your dedicated leadership is committed to moving the new PDA nation forward. My hope is that the majority of “governance growing pains” have been addressed so that we can look beyond the nuts and bolts of “how” we govern ourselves to the substance of “what” is important to you. The new PDA is here to stay; let’s plan positively, deliberatively and strategically for our future. I encourage each of you to forward, through the Council of Presidents, any specific trends that affect your practice or your profession. I invite you to join us at 1:45 p.m. on May 21 for the town hall portion of the PDA Business Meeting. Help your leaders create value as they develop the objectives and strategies that will deliver the tools you need to be successful in your profession. In 2018, PDA will be marking its 150th Anniversary. Help celebrate Pennsylvania’s many contributions to organized dentistry by becoming engaged, participatory and forward thinking so that we can be a proud part of PDA’s legacy during the NEXT 150 years. In the words of former United States Secretary of State George C. Marshall, from Uniontown, Pa., “When a thing is done, it’s done. Don’t look back. Look forward to your next objective.” GOALS/OBJECTIVES/STRATEGIES FINANCE GOAL: ASSURE ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVE 1.0 Non-dues revenue will be at least 30% of total revenue 1.1 Maximize price points. 1.2 Increase member participation in endorsed vendor programs. 1.3 Increase advertising revenue from endorsed vendors. 1.4 Increase income from PDAIS. OBJECTIVE 2.0: Reserves will not equal less than 50% of total annual operating expense 2.1 Budget for net profit annually. 2.2 Annually increase dues by a modest percentage. MEMBERSHIP GOAL: INCREASE MEMBER LOYALTY AND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE 3.0: Increase market share among those eligible for active dues by 2% and maintain retention at 97% 3.1 Stabilize PDA’s member market share. 3.2 Identify member needs and create programs to meet needs. 3.3 Continue to conduct multiple contact programs to regain non-renews. 3.4 Implement an incentive program for renewals. OBJECTIVE 4.0: Increase percentage of members transitioning from dental school to full membership by 2% 4.1 Continue to implement outreach programs for dental students. 4.2 Customize products and services for different member market segments. ORGANIZATIONAL GOAL: PDA’S CAPACITY WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR MEMBERS OBJECTIVE 5.0: Create and maintain an administrative structure that efficiently and effectively provides for the coordinated execution of PDA’s Strategic Plan along with those of its subsidiary corporations. 5.1 Develop and implement an administrative audit to identify strengths and weaknesses of current structure (including subsidiaries) in executing the strategic plan. 5.2 Develop and implement remedies to issues that are identified in the audit. VISIT padental.org/minutes to view full minutes of all Board of Trustees meetings. OBJECTIVE 6.0 Increase our knowledge of members’ wants and needs. 6.1 Conduct needs assessment of members. 6.2 Maintain a comprehensive member information database. 5