PDA History - 150 years+ | Page 15

Dr . Bruce Terry PDA President 2017-2018
My presidency , like many of my predecessors has had many moments that come as surprises . Very few of us will ever look back and say that we knew something was going to happen and that we planned and prepared for it . Most often we ’ re doing this job by the seat of our pants . Whether it ’ s getting a call about something that an insurance company has done or something that a member wants or legislation that we ’ re trying to advance .
They were in the modern era and I could both fax and eventually email content to them . They really helped me with the layouts for the Valley Forge Dental Journal .
Working with Dr . Galeone was a terrific experience . I was always impressed with his writing style and wanted to grow up to be like him . I know that I have received pats on the back for my writing , but Dr . Galeone is the one with talent . I just learned to fake it well .
When I moved up to the position as associate editor of the Pennsylvania Dental Journal I now had an actual communications department . Rob Pugliese was and is the Journal . His ability to gather and sort out content and plan our issues was what I was missing in my previous roles .
Rob helped me learn to plan ahead and gather content for issues several months in the future . We would often plan an entire year and then contact those who needed to write or gather information for us . We had theme issues that flowed nicely or annual issues that focused on Advocacy , Government Relations or Annual Session .
Rob gave me time to do more writing , which was becoming easier . By this time I had written more than 120 editorials and I would write another 50 as PDA Editor .
During each stage of my writing career I have been extremely lucky to watch and learn from many great mentors . As I matured as a writer and editor , I found that I enjoyed the creative side to this job . I really enjoyed developing themes and then finding the content or writing it myself . Like any good elementary school student , I was always motivated by bling . So , when I had my first article published in the ADA News I felt on top of the world . When I received my first journalism award from the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists I tried to find my high school English teacher to show her that I was not a total failure .
Nothing could have prepared me more for my role as a PDA officer than all of the years writing about dental issues . I felt very involved by listening and reading information from the ADA and PDA and attending meetings . I can ’ t say enough to all the dedicated volunteers who give their time to
organized dentistry . Each has a passion and shares it with other . Mine happens to be writing .
I have been truly blessed with your support and encouragement . I have enjoyed all the hours I have spent writing about my life as a husband , father , dentist and dental leader . Many times I have told friends that writing is therapy . I told you earlier that I am cheap . Writing about my life as a dentist is far better than being psychoanalyzed for one hour a week .
I fear that I am not going to drift away easily . Writing has become addictive and if you are not careful you may see more from me in the future . Susan , I am sorry , but you will have to continue to proofread before I go to print . My head may be swelled , but my spelling and grammar are still questionable .
Dr . Bruce Terry of Wayne served as editor of the Pennsylvania Dental Journal from 2008-2016 .