PDA History - 150 years+ | Page 13

week before departing on his trip he stopped seeing most patients because he wanted to assure that there were no patient issues left unresolved . There were some procedures he would not do for two weeks prior and even some he would not do a whole month before the trip . I had never thought of this additional burden that some people were willing to accept so that they could help the less fortunate .
Every one of those interviews made me proud to be in the dental profession . Their talent and dedication and total commitment to ideas and ideals amazed me . I came away from each interview feeling inspired and mentored .
I had been active in organized dentistry for almost 30 years when I became editor . My reason for that activity was that I wanted to be able to express my opinion about the future of the profession and , by extension , my own future . Know also that I had a genetic mistrust of authority figures . All of the dentists active in organized dentistry are volunteers . They donate their time . There is no compensation . That ’ s fine and they all know that up front . I considered the right of expression , my first amendment rights , to be my compensation and thus I did not always agree with the official position of the PDA Trustees or even the
House of Delegates . If nothing else , it was a surefire way to get a reaction . I had a good time . I remember writing one editorial which prompted two responses . One proclaimed me a genius . The other dentist called me a moron .
After leaving the PDA I continued to be involved in dental journalism and am now finishing 13 years at my current position . At this point I realize that it was the camaraderie that kept me going . I loved meeting dentists from all over the world . Having a common profession opened a door into their lives and countries and cultures . It ’ s been a really good life . I couldn ’ t have enjoyed my involvement as much in any other branch of organized dentistry . I certainly would recommend dental journalism to anyone considering volunteering their time to the profession .
For fear of forgetting someone , I am not going to thank all the individuals who I worked with at the PDA . That is , however , with the exception of Rob Pugliese . He brought a level of professionalism , grace and good humor to the Communications Department which elevated the Journal to national recognition . To this day I call him for help and advice when I confront a new challenge or an unexpected problem . Thank you , Rob for all you do . And thanks to all of you for the memories .
Dr . Richard Galeone of Lansdale served as editor of the Pennsylvania Dental Journal from 2000-2008 .
From the January 1919 Quarterly Bulletin of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society ( Volume V , Number 1 ):
OUR SERVICE FLAG At our last annual meeting a service flag containing 147 stars was dedicated to our members who had responded to our country ’ s call to service . This flag was turned over to the secretary to be displayed at each annual meeting as a permanent reminder of the bravery and self-sacrifice of these loyal men , and as an inspiration to future generations .

1982 1983 1984 1985



Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Attorney General Leroy Zimmerman files an antitrust lawsuit against PDA and eight local dental groups alleging conspiracy to fix dental fees and boycotting dental insurance plans ; PDA and the eight dental societies file countersuit against the Commonwealth , Attorney General , and Pennsylvania Blue Shield charging unlawful price fixing , boycotting and the monopolization of prepaid dental programs .


Dr . John L . Bomba elected president of the American Dental Association .


Final disposition of PDA ’ s 1981 lawsuits with the Attorney General . The lawsuit ends with a joint statement from PDA and the Attorney General , a continuing education letter from the AG and no consent decree .