PD Magazine 356 OECS PD Magazine NEW (2) | Page 8

RAPHILLIA KING-ADAMS - St. Vincent & The Grenadines I view professional development as an ongoing support system. It’s the tool that I personally use to improve my pedagogical skills in my classroom. MAVREEN GORDON-TEAGUE - Antigua/Barbuda It’s my belief that learning is indeed a lifelong process. For the teacher I consider continued and meaningful teacher professional development as the means by which teachers constantly improve upon their craft with the sole aim of improving their practice within the classroom. ASIF COLLIN DOVER - St. Vincent & The Grenadines In my opinion, PD is a way for me to improve on my already existing skills in an effort to effect meaningful changes in my classroom. TERESA T. C DAVERON - St. Kitts Nevis Professional development provides opportune knowledge and skills for teachers to enhance their practice geared towards the teaching learning experience. RICKISHA PHILLIP - Grenada Teacher professional development to me deals with teachers enhancing their knowledge capacity which in turn will be used to cater to their students’ individual requirements. PLCs 3 OBSERVATION VISITS