PD Benefits
The world continues to experience changes that demand a focus on teaching critical
thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. We as educators will not give
up on our promise to teach the next generation and to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow. We are, therefore, constantly looking for new ways to improve our skills
through professional development.
That’s interesting, but as teachers from the Caribbean who are presently involved in
PD daily at your schools, what are some of the benefits?
Team Work
Job Satisfaction
PD gives ongoing support to teachers.
PD allows time for teachers to learn and practice and to share ideas.
PD gives students the best opportunity to learn.
PD helps to develop a better qualified work team, with enhanced
skills that benefit everyone involved.
PD provides the avenues for teachers to develop the competencies
that will help them become peak performers.
PD fosters collaboration among teachers and creates opportunities
for teachers.
PD allows teachers’ strengths to be shared, as our focus shifts from
teaching to learning.
PD re-energizes and sparks creativity and improves efficiency.
PD heightens awareness: continuous learning can prove valuable at
any stage in your career.
Many federal education grant programs provide professional
development funding. See for example: