Dyslexia represents the most OUTCOMES:
common and most prevalent of § Understand the main points in the
all known learning disabilities and
impacts approximately 1 in 5
§ Recognize the most common
individuals (National Institute of early warning signs and chronic
Health). Dyslexia Decoded will symptoms of dyslexia.
provide a clear understanding of
the neurological basis of
dyslexia. Scientific and peer
§ Address common myths and
misconceptions about dyslexia.
§ Recognize that reading
reviewed research has shown difficulties coexist with other
that the brains of those with cognitive and behavioral
dyslexia show functional challenges.
variations, and that these
§ Learn how to support the dyslexic
variations explain why some learner through appropriate
individuals struggle to master accommodations that allow
reading, writing, spelling and these bright students to shine
occasionally math, despite their despite their difficulty.
intelligence and effort. Audience: All K-12 Educators
Time: 90 minutes (express)-
3 hours (comprehensive)