The Herbalist - Nettles May Provide Allergy Relief
Signs of spring have made their way to us here in Prescott . As I write this I see my Forsythia bush and other trees begin to bud , the days are a bit longer and we ’ ll begin to see flowers emerge from hiding . Spring has always been my favorite time of year because of the rebirth I witness every time I see new leaves unfurl and delicate Snowdrops and Crocus seemingly pop out of the earth . It is also a time when my allergies begin to let me know that there ’ s that extra something in the air . I ’ ll take the allergies because it means that there ’ s an abundance of life surrounding me and , I ’ ve got a secret weapon .
Stinging Nettles . Anyone who has encountered this fierce plant in nature understands how it came by its name . There are actual syringes at the end of the leaves which break off and inject histamines into unsuspecting skin , thus causing discomfort and a rash . While this brash weed is very defensive , it ’ s a blessing as a medicine .
Nettles are nutritionally abundant . They contain high levels of calcium , Vitamin A , Magnesium , Potassium , dietary fiber and even some protein . For those who were dependent upon their environment for all their food , nettles were a rich source of nutrition after the bleakness of winter . All this may be fine you say . I can get greens from the market whenever I want and you would be correct .
My favorite use for nettles is to reduce my allergy symptoms .
My allergies used to be debilitating to the point of being in bed because of the pain . The histamine actions of the fresh plant actually work within your system to counter our own allergic reaction and to dramatically reduce symptoms . Only fresh or freeze dried nettles will work for your allergies and you can buy them in most health food stores . What I truly love about using this herb for my allergies is that there are no side effects , at all .
You can use nettles in cooking but you need to make sure you either blend them well or cook them so the little needles soften and are properly tamed . They are wonderful in smoothies and one of my absolutely favorite herbalists , Rosemary Gladstar , even makes a lasagna with fresh leaves .
Nettles also provide fiber soft yet strong enough to weave into fabric . WW1 soldiers had undergarments that were mostly created with nettle and other fibers due to a cotton shortage .
And last but not least , certain species of butterfly caterpillars are found on nettles plants . So many uses for such a humble plant .
Don ’ t let Nettles attitude dissuade you , enjoy the green , nurturing power whenever you can and don ’ t be nettled by your allergies . Beat them naturally .
– Sue Elhbeck , MC Herbalist sue . ehlbeck @ gmail . com
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